
It’s Tuesday, I’m a little high, but I’m in a creative funk.

I procrastinate A LOT, like I’ve been talking about making a photo book for years. I love the idea of it, but I get stuck when I try to select the photos. I’ve tried a new Foto app that I honestly love because it reminds me of how instagram used to be. Ew, I know another person complaining about instagram. It inspired me to try this whole blog thing again so here we go. I guess with starting anything I should introduce myself, maybe you’ve known me since I started shooting in 2011 or maybe you randomly found yourself here, I doubt but who knows!

  • Oregon born and raised, we’re like unicorns now a days.

  • I’m currently in Klamath Falls for the next 3 years while my girlfriend does her residency.

  • We have a sick ass British Short haired cat named DOOM, you’ll see a lot of photos of her.

  • I was always against the idea of tattoos but when I was 25 my mom said something like “ I’ll pay for the tattoos if you’re brother gets one too, he’s a wuss he won’t do it.” Fast forward and now I can’t wait to add the 5th one haha.

  • Just in cause someone may asks I shoot with Fujifilm, currently the X-Pro 3 with a 23mm f/2. But please, don’t ask me. The camera is just a tool, instead ask me something I haven’t been asked 1000x times. Maybe ask me something cool like “What was going through your head when you took this?”

  • 10/31/2008 is a very important date for me, that’s the day my mom got sober and she’s turning 15 this year!

Well enough of that.


These are some photos I took last night while I was at my desk playing COD and Doom decided to hang out with me. Also shoutout to Diane who bought me that Holga camera, I need to shoot more film with it.

So before I started this post I really liked how the light was looking so I took some photos. You’ll notice I really like shadows.

if you made it this far, thank you. Come back soon!


Dead End